PKZIP(R) and other PKWARE(R) products may be purchased directly from the following International Distributors: Australia, New Zealand and Singapore: PCWARE 1st Floor 88 George Street The Rocks Sydney N.S.W. 2000 Australia Tel: 61 (2) 252 3546 Fax: 61 (2) 252 3353 Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay: Maple Informatica Ltda. Rua Maranhao, 554, Suite 25 to 28 Sao Paulo SP 01240 Brazil Tel: 11 825 9390 Fax:11 826 5375 France: AB Soft Parc Burospace 15 91572 Bievres Cedex France Tel: 33 (1) 6933 7000 Fax: 33 (1) 6933 7010 Germany, Austria & German speaking areas of Switzerland: Kirschbaum Software GmbH Kronau 15 83550 Emmering Germany Tel: 08067/1016 Fax:08067/1053 India: MIPS India 215-B Hind Saurashtra Ind. Estate M.V. Road, Andheri East Bombay 400 059 India Tel: (022) 836 7638 Fax:(022) 623 8756 Italy and Spain: Utimobyte Editrice s.r.l. Via A. Zezon, 10 - 20124 Milano Italy Tel: (02) 6698-3133 Fax: (02) 6698-3233 United Kingdom and Ireland: Atlantic Coast plc. Station Road Colton, Devon, EX13 6HA England Tel: (44) 1297 552222 Fax: (44) 1297 553366 (contd.) TO: FROM: PKWARE(R), Inc. Name: _________________________________ 9025 N. Deerwood Dr. Brown Deer, WI 53223-2437 (Company): _________________________________ 414-354-8699 Voice Address: _________________________________ 414-354-8559 FAX 414-354-8670 BBS City: _________________________________ Web: State, ZIP Code: _____________________________ Today's (Country): _____________________________ date: _____________________ Daytime Phone #: _________________________ FAX #: ___________________________ E-mail:___________________________ PKZIP(R) for Windows INDIVIDUAL USE: Order by April 30, 1996 and save. * Diskette with programs and documentation by April 30, 1996..................................... $29 ______ MULTIPLE USE: Order by April 30, 1996 and save. * SITE LICENSE for the use of PKZIP for Windows. (INCLUDES ONE DISKETTE WITH PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION.) 2 to 24 computers ..... at $29 each # computers ___x 29 ______ 25 to 49 computers ..... at $24 each # computers ___x 24 ______ 50 to 99 computers ..... at $18 each # computers ___x 18 ______ 100 to 199 computers ..... at $14 each # computers ___x 14 ______ 200 to 500 computers ..... at $12 each # computers ___x 12 ______ WRITE OR CALL FOR PRICING ON QUANTITIES OVER 500. INDIVIDUAL USE after April 30, 1996 * Diskette with programs and documentation after April 30, 1996.................................. $49 ______ MULTIPLE USE after April 30, 1996 * SITE LICENSE for the use of PKZIP for Windows. (INCLUDES ONE DISKETTE WITH PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION.) 2 to 9 computers ..... at $38 each # computers ___x 38 ______ 10 to 24 computers ..... at $30 each # computers ___x 30 ______ 25 to 49 computers ..... at $24 each # computers ___x 24 ______ 50 to 99 computers ..... at $18 each # computers ___x 18 ______ 100 to 199 computers ..... at $14 each # computers ___x 14 ______ 200 to 500 computers ..... at $12 each # computers ___x 12 ______ WRITE OR CALL FOR PRICING ON QUANTITIES OVER 500. Extra program disk & documentation with purchase of SITE LICENSES OF 2 OR MORE available at $8.00 each. ___x 8 ______ Shipping & Handling US (UPS Ground) & Canada (Air Mail) $6.00/item Outside US & Canada (Air Mail) $13.50/item ______ WISCONSIN RESIDENTS add applicable State & County Sales Tax ______ TOTAL ENCLOSED US FUNDS US$________ (contd.) Check or Money Order ___ MasterCard ___ VISA ___ The American Express Card ____ NOVUS/Discover Card____ Expiration Date ______________ Card Number _________________________________________________________ Card Holder's Signature REQUIRED ____________________________________ TERMS: MasterCard, VISA, The American Express Card, NOVUS/Discover Card, Check or Money Order drawn on a U.S.A. bank in U.S.A. funds. Corporate Purchase Orders (Net 30 days) accepted for software from large corporations within the USA & Canada. ALL LICENSES ARE PREPAID ONLY. ALL ORDERS OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA MUST BE PREPAID. Please make remittance payable to PKWARE, Inc. Prices, terms and conditions subject to change without notice. * 3.5" High Density Diskette. PKWARE and PKZIP Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.